Saturday, 26 April 2014

Here I go again...

It's nearly 2 years since I last posted on this blog- just as I got back from Mongolia!
The itchy feet have returned and it's time to go on another adventure. This time, I'm going to Africa - Kenya to be exact. Ever since I was quite small, I've heard tales of Africa from relatives and friends, and it's time to have a look for myself...
I'm going to the Mwamba Centre run by A Rocha Kenya, for most of May. They are working in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest and at Mida Creek Then I'm hoping to travel through some of the other Kenyan National Parks to see some of the animals I've seen in all those nature programmes!
I've set up a JustGiving page to raise funds for Mwamba by having my friends sponsor me to climb Mount Kenya at the end of my holiday. I've been in training for the last few months, and I hope I'll get safely up to the "trekkers' peak", Point Lenana, going up the Sirimon Route and down the Chogoria Route.
Here are a few pictures from the last few months of walks - thanks to all my companions!
In Coledale - February
Gavin on Skiddaw - February
Barely able to stand - Easedale Tarn, February
Ben Cleuch - great day in early March
Conic Hill at sunset - March
Selfie on Meikle Bin - no view at all!
Warm and dry in Langdale - Mike and Catriona
Slater Bridge, Little Langdale
Gavin the swamp monster - 30 March 
Featureless bog - miles of it! April
Wendy and the girls, Loughrigg - April

So that's the plan. The packing is all over the dining room and I've still got a long list of To-Dos, but it's coming together, so watch out for more news!