Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Heading for Mongolia

Yes, the rumours are in fact true, I am heading for Mongolia! What's more, I leave the day after tomorrow and there is still some (re)packing to do.

It all started when I thought, "I'd like to do something other than sit on a beach for my holidays..." and wandered of and found the Earthwatch site. Not wishing to do things by halves, I thought the expedition to Mongolia looked interesting, and signed up. Having got that far, I thought, "While I'm there, it would be good to have a look round." and thanks to lots of useful info from Susan Fox about what I really ought to go and see, I planned an extra week's trip around the central part of the country.

So on Friday I swap Scotland's remarkably variable weather for Mongolia's hot days and cold nights. My factor 30 sunscreen and thermals are packed!

Snow in May in the Trossachs

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how exciting! Will be following your blogposts!
    Ida xxx
