Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Kenya day 31 - Saying goodbyes

My last day at Mwamba - already! I shall really miss this place and its people, but it's time to move on to the next phase now, and we'll see whether I can get back here sometime...

So today I started with an early morning walk through the Nature Trail and along the old road, spotting birds and other creatures and tucking away some memories. Jaap pointed out this evening that when I arrived I didn't know any of the local birds, and now a month later I can make a confident list of about a dozen species as I walk.


Final swim - I'm really going to miss this!

I finished tagging the photos and making backups this morning, and we filled in the bird log over coffee. This is a list of the birds we expect to see in the area, and each week there's a roll-call to see which ones have turned up. Some show up every time; some migrate and so appear for a while and then vanish for a few months, or show up as they pass through; others only turn up occasionally, perhaps because they are rare or difficult to identify or because they are just visiting...

I had a walk along to the rock pools at low tide this morning, but the wind was too strong so there were too many ripples to be able to see much in them. Back at our stretch of beach the water was amazingly warm and beautiful colours and I had a good swim with Peter.

This afternoon I went to Watamu with another visitor called Rachel. We had a good look round and found a lovely headland with rocks and waves behind it and a cliff top walk leading off northwards - an adventure for another visit? We also found the shopping centre - different from the supermarket! It's very quiet at the moment, low season and the tour companies pulling folk out means more than half of the shops are closed.

We were very warm when we got back, so another swim was needed! This time is was nearing high tide and the waves were getting wilder as we stayed in. After showering and packing it was time for dinner and after that the presentation, which was OK, but will need to be extended...

And now, photo processing, backing up and blogging before bed. We leave at 0600, so I'll need to get to sleep soon!

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