Sunday, 25 May 2014

Kenya day 23 - Lazy Sunday

First thing this morning I heard this Tinkerbird singing in the garden and took his photo. Apparently they live in holes in trees and use that big beak to excavate the holes, like a tiny woodpecker - it's about as big as a bluetit.

Red-fronted Tinkerbird
Then, since it was a lovely bright morning, I went for a walk on the beach, and met up with my room-mate, Claire. The light was really spectacular...

Claire on the beach this morning
After breakfast, Kadi and I went to church in a tuk tuk - that's the 3-wheel taxi with a lawn-mower engine. It was fine on the way there, but it rained on the way back so we got a bit wet since tuk tuks don't have much in the way of windows.

After lunch, Peter and I joined Jaap and his two older children for a walk, looking for birds and anything else that we might come across. Today was a "tiny frog day" here - they were all over the place, and there are lots of tadpoles in the pools nearby. We found some beautiful flowers and several interesting birds, and completed a loop going along the old road beside the main road, through the houses to the beach and back along the beach.

Ethiopian Swallows

Hadada Ibises on a hotel roof - they are large and rather noisy

Pied Kingfisher in action!

Purple-banded Sunbird - fabulous colours, rich emerald green, petrol blue and purple!
It's been quite windy these last few days and the waves, especially at high tide, have been spectacular. I can hear the roar of the sea now; in fact it's a background sound here all the time, though not usually this loud.

Waves breaking over Whale island - at least 10 metres high
Massive waves breaking on the edge of the reef

I've just been doing the photos after the epilogue service here at Mwamba. So not a busy day, but peaceful and reflective - nice...

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