Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Kenya day 4 - Rainy Season blues

"It's raining. It's always raining. It's raining cats and dogs!" - it started properly as we headed for bed, and it makes such a racket on tin roofs. It deluged all night, and we were due to go to Mida creek to count birds at 7am! That was cancelled - it's not easy to record things in wet notebooks - and the power being off we couldn't use the computers, so eventually I decided to go for a walk.

Yes, it was raining, but still warm, about 23°C, so I walked to Watamu along the road. Every few minutes a motor bike taxi drew up to see if I wanted a ride. In between times, I was invited to ride in tuktuks - 3 wheel motor taxis - half a dozen times in a 45 minute walk! I explained to them that I was out for a walk, and they looked at me as if I was crazy :-)

Eventually I got to the supermarket and got myself a SIM card for my very old mobile. I've not tried it yet - the phone got soaked on the way home. (But actually it does work fine...)

I also got some cough mixture - I have developed a noisy, sneezy, cold with a loud hacking cough. Hamish will be glad I'm having it here rather than at home...  I hope it goes away soon!

Anyway, I went back along the beach, having negotiated the sandy track down to the beach, which had several massive puddles right across it - there was no alternative to wading. The storms have brought in a huge amount of seaweed, which is piled a metre or so deep on the beach at Watamu, making it slow walking. The wind was even stronger than yesterday, and the rain came on even heavier than before, so the view through my wet, steamed up glasses was not at all clear! Even so, I saw some ringed plovers, whimbrels, terns and a white-browed coucal, but it wasn't a day for taking pictures!

The power was back on when I got back, so after lunch I did more of the booklet design, then it went off again, and on again... We'll see how it is after dinner, but I've got my head torch with me just in case!

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