Friday, 1 June 2012

Trip to the Mongolian Countryside - 1

I'm just back from a great tour of the part of Mongolia just west of Ulaan Baatar. I went with Zaya, the owner of the Hostel where I am staying in Ulaan Baatar - she decided to take a holiday and come along with me, which was very good because we had long conversations on the way and since she speaks very good English she was able to explain what people were saying, especially the guides at the museums and national parks, and interpret the conversations going on around me. Shiri the driver completed the party, with his Toyota Corolla which stood up to some very "interesting" terrain.

This is a very quick version of this post, while I can remember things, but I'll be adding to it and putting in pictures soon...

In fact, I've made separate posts for each day - enjoy!

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